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Deliver exceptional financial services through smooth Salesforce integration

With 200 OK, cut through the noise and seamlessly integrate all your finance stack with Salesforce to collect and verify documents, do KYC and other tasks with ease. Eliminate manual tasks and expedite processes using native, no-code integration and enhance visibility into financial data to take more, data-driven decision-making. Rest assured of the safety of vital financial data with robust security measures in place.

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Provide top-tier financial services with effortless Salesforce integration

Discover the power of 200 OK’s features for a complete 360-degree integration experience and how your integration game can elevate toward success.

Unleash the Potential of Every Lead

  • Consolidate diverse lead generation data from channels like cloud telephony, web forms, AI chatbots, email marketing platforms, and social media seamlessly into Salesforce.
  • Capture and nurture leads effortlessly, ensuring no opportunity goes unnoticed.
Lead generation

Streamline Loan Application Submissions

  • Empower customers to submit loan applications seamlessly by integrating with web forms or online portals.
  • Capture borrower information directly into the loan origination system (LOS), enhancing efficiency and customer experience.

Enhance the Initial Screening Process

  • Review loan applications efficiently to evaluate basic eligibility criteria such as creditworthiness, income verification, and requested loan amount.
  • Integrate with Equifax, Experian, Socrata, etc. for robust employment and income verification, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Effortlessly Manage Documents and E-Signatures

  • Integrate with document management software to securely collect, store, and manage borrower documents like proof of identity, income statements, and tax returns.
  • Seamlessly incorporate e-signature and e-stamping solutions for hassle-free signing of loan documents and agreements.

Ensure KYC Compliance and Document Verification

  • Verify the identity of loan applicants and assess their suitability for obtaining a loan through streamlined KYC processes.
  • Utilize video KYC to mitigate risks associated with fraud and money laundering effectively. Conduct in-depth analysis of the borrower’s financial profile and credit history by integrating with LOS platforms for automated underwriting processes and risk assessment.

Popular Integration Connectors

Forge Seamless Connections as 200 OK Links to a Spectrum of Apps and 3rd Party Tools

Popular Integration Connectors

Forge Seamless Connections as 200 OK Links to a Spectrum of Apps and 3rd Party Tools

What Our Customers Says
